Hey there, bookish friend! Are you having a fun weekend?
If you've been here for a while, you might know I’m reading Anne of Green Gables this month. To be a little more precise, I’m re-reading it, it’s my second time reading the book. The first time I read it was September last year. And honestly, back then I didn’t think I’d liked it that much.
But when September came this year, and the weather started to shift, it kind of started to remind me of the book, and I started to miss Anne and her antics through Avonlea. So, I decided to re-read it once I was done with War and Peace.
I’ve always been a re-reader. When I love a book, I re-read it again and again. Some people find that weird, I’ve been asked how I can read the same book or watch the same film again and again and actually enjoy it. But the thing is, I really do. And now that I’m re-reading this book, I’m making some conscious observations, comparing this reading with my first.
The most obvious difference I'm noticing is how laidback this reading feels. Because I already know the story, I know what happens. And knowing the whats gives me the scope to enjoy the hows and whys. I’m generally a very impatient reader, once I get started with a book, I find it very difficult to put it down. I cannot rest until I find out what happens. This makes me a fast reader. But this also makes me miss out on some of the finer details. Sometimes I do understand, even as I’m rushing through a book, that I’m missing certain points, but I simple can’t stop myself. This is where re-reading comes handy.
Reading this book the second time, I’m actually taking my time to read all the descriptions, the beautiful landscapes, the trees and flowers and lakes and brooks and orchards. Montgomery paints such a vivid picture of PEI, a big chunk of which I just brushed past last time.
And the characters! Knowing the journey of the characters, it’s easier to see beyond the surface and figure out what role they play in the story. For example, I’m only realisisng this time around that Matthew plays a middle ground between the overly imaginative Anne and the overly realistic Marilla who often butt heads. He gets Anne, and he also gets Marilla, and helps them take a step towards each other. The first time I read the book, I saw him play the peacemaker between them two but never thought beyond that.
It’s also easier to notice foreshadowing. For example, Matthew’s heart problems are introduced in the very first chapter, or Anne’s first introduction (which we get from the stationmaster) with her preferring to wait outside instead of in the waiting room because there’s more scope of imagination. I can appreciate these details much better now that I already know the story. Therefore, yes, technically it is the same story, but the reading is completely different.
And I’m sure if (when) I re-read it again, that reading experience will be another new one, completely different from this one.
There’s so much more to a story than just what happens. When I read Romeo and Juliet the first time, I already knew the story. But it was still an absolute treat just reading Shakespeare’s beautiful verses.
Similarly, re-reading a story, especially a story you already enjoy, is so much fun. In fact I’d say with each re-reading, the story only gets better, like a fine wine. And with each re-reading, my love for a story only deepens.
What about you? Do you enjoy re-reading books? Don’t forget to let me know.
For more of my bookish ramblings, you can also find me on Instagram
Also, if you’d like me to write for you, you can contact me at joyiewrites@gmail.com