Hey there! Happy weekend!!!
Today, I want to share a little personal confession with you – I've finally found the courage to put ink on my books. It might not sound like a big deal, but to me, it really is.
When my parents introduced me to books, I was only four. And they taught me to always take good care of my books. It's a valuable lesson, no doubt, and one that I still follow. However, I might have taken it a tad too seriously. I've always been absolutely against writing in books. The thought of even touching a book with a speck of ink was unimaginable to me.
Last year, I gifted my mother a book for her birthday, and I handed it over to her without a word written on it. But she asked me why I hadn't written anything on it and insisted that I write down a few words, to mark it as a gift. So, with much hesitation, I wrote a note on it. But I still wasn't convinced it was a good idea.
Later, going through my bookshelf one day, I found some books that were gifts from old friends, who I no longer am in touch with. And when I opened those books and saw the silly little notes they’d scribbled there, for a moment I was reminded of the friendship we shared. It didn’t seem ugly, it seemed nice and funny.
That got me thinking about my most treasured book. One that belonged to my grandmother, it was a wedding gift from a friend of my grandfather. On that book, not only had that friend written a small note, but even my grandfather had left a little scribble. My grandfather who died when I was three. It made me realise that writing in books could be seen in a different light.
So I wanted to give it a go. I decided to start small. I grabbed a pencil and my copy of Wuthering Heights. It’s not an expensive copy, and kind of worn because I carry it everywhere. It’s also it’s my all-time favorite book and I have so so so many thoughts about it. It felt like a safe place to start. I began by underlining the passages I like, making sure not to press too hard so as not to leave a permanent mark.
Then, I joined Bookstagram. There, as I scrolled through the feed, it was filled with beautifully annotated books. People were highlighting, underlining, and and jotting down their thoughts in the margins. None of them looked like they were ruining the books. They looked like they were enjoying the books.
Then one day I found a YouTube video about book journaling and marginalia. The guy in the video spoke very passionately about how this is a way of interacting with the books you love. It gave me that final push. I realised that writing in books isn't desecrating them, it’s forming a deep connection with them.
So, I picked up my Wuthering Heights once more and, this time, I went in with a pen. I did a little underlining here and there and also, wrote down some of my many many thoughts on the margin. It felt incredibly liberating, and exciting. Like I was having a real conversation with the book I love so much. It really was a transformative experience.
And recently, I’ve also read a few second-hand books, that had annotations in them. But I didn’t think they were ruining the book, instead I thought they enhanced my reading experience, by adding extra insights. So I realised, a pristine spotless book is nice. But a well-loved book is even nicer. Because it combines the story of the writer with the story of the reader and creates something very unique and interesting. And honestly, if I want crisp, spotless copy of a book, I can always find one at a bookstore.
I won't lie, a part of me still cringes seeing the scribbles on the pages of my favorite books. Especially because my handwriting has gotten real bad from years of not writing. But then I remember that this is not about the aesthetics, it’s about forming a closer bond with the books I love. So, I’m definitely keeping this up.
What about you? Do you write in your books? Don’t forget to let me know.
For more of my bookish ramblings, you can also find me on Instagram
Also, if you’d like me to write for you, you can contact me at joyiewrites@gmail.com